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Over my life God has freeze framed encounters I have had with Him. On one particular encounter, He told me to “raise leaders, not followers”. I had no idea how to do this but I knew enough that if He had asked me to do something, He would give me the tools too. Our life of learning has grown and shrunk and culled and introduced and has become a lot more “living” than dead, more purposeful than requirement and more discovery than standards. After 14 years, we are definitely more motivated and flexible than when we started and even though we look somewhat eclectic, are obviously creating more thinkers under grace than producers under the law. One word for that …. freedom!!!

I was so excited [did a little happy dance on the inside] to find God guiding others along a similar path.  Learning in life with your kids or want to?  

Pop over to Kerry Beck’s Blog.  She is very real and has outlaid some very interesting issues that can’t be ignored.