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Don’t We All Blog Naked?

Blank Blogger screen … cursor flashin’; flashin’; flashin’.Kinda wish it was Wordless Wednesday cause then I could just find a really bizarre photo, which our family does really well and whack it up here with some quirky kind of caption. Is it...

Where’d The Road Go?

Remember trying to see how many uni students you could cram into a v-dub beetle?  Well, that’s what we did with out Saturday.  Although it was a v-dub beetle, it was our troop carrier and it wasn’t uni students; it was our family …. all twelve of us....

Why Is It Such A Big Secret?

  A question was posed in “The Secret” at Perichoresis ; Why do we struggle to taste or see the depth in life, or the greatness and beauty in a child, or the amazing complexity of a flower?  Why can life for some be flat and bland regardless of huge...

To Think Or Not To Think; That is the Question.

Over my life God has freeze framed encounters I have had with Him. On one particular encounter, He told me to “raise leaders, not followers”. I had no idea how to do this but I knew enough that if He had asked me to do something, He would give me the tools too. Our...