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Where’d The Road Go?

Remember trying to see how many uni students you could cram into a v-dub beetle?  Well, that’s what we did with out Saturday.  Although it was a v-dub beetle, it was our troop carrier and it wasn’t uni students; it was our family …. all twelve of us....

Would You Like Guilt With That?

Decided to delegate and get Kyler to do some posting for me …… ? This little guy is definately one passionate writer. Why am I doing this? Discovered that I am probably spending more time posting comments than I am making my own blog posts. Anyone eles do...

Ants Pants

Sitting on the bank of our river after having oared my way up over swollen rapids, I sat and listened to my Dad. He was gentle, yet vibrant, substantial and fulfilling. I saw an ant climbing with a bug to the top of a blade of grass. What possible purpose does that...