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Time And Timing Are His

Ricky2 Oct 04 to 27 Oct 05Who can ever account for the bizarre directions you take and amazing people you meet meandering through the links and connections of the blogasphere.Some are amusing….some are pretty….some are definitely very...

Don’t We All Blog Naked?

Blank Blogger screen … cursor flashin’; flashin’; flashin’.Kinda wish it was Wordless Wednesday cause then I could just find a really bizarre photo, which our family does really well and whack it up here with some quirky kind of caption. Is it...

Why Is It Such A Big Secret?

  A question was posed in “The Secret” at Perichoresis ; Why do we struggle to taste or see the depth in life, or the greatness and beauty in a child, or the amazing complexity of a flower?  Why can life for some be flat and bland regardless of huge...