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This is my man … my main guy. The big dude not the little one. Although you would think otherwise if you were to judge by where my time is spent.

And granted, it’s not the greatest photo of him but there is something really symbolic about this shot that is so bloggable. See my God assailed the ‘normal’ in the everyday when I saw this pic and gave me a nugget of truth, a parallel of the spiritual with the natural, oh let’s face it. He drew me up on His lap and discussed the issues of the universe with me.

Just lost all those rigid folk who find it hard to believe that God shares His Kingdom affairs with the average. And definitely not with someone lacking the ‘right’ credentials, education or social status or even the right address. Heck, she lives on the belly of the world; underneath this earth even.

But isn’t that what totally messes with you? That the creator of everything, the most awesome “I AM” doesn’t regard our human hierarchy and finds value in ALL His hands has made.

My Friend wants to communicate, to play, quite frankly to be in tight with everyone. A living, breathing to-ing and fro-ing of contact, of giving and reflecting truths.

And aint it the truth that I will become like Who I hang around and if the Who is Him, I’m destined to be Him flavoured. Reflecting His greatness too which, He tells me, is what I can do best since I was made in His image. Kind of portrays what I read today that…

People are attracted most to those who they see themselves reflected.

My guy must be adorable then cus look at my picture. More precisely, at the image reflected in the left lens of his sunnies.


Or more dramatically,

I am reflected in the eyes of my man.

And metaphorically, both my men! That be my man with skin on, my tangible companion committed to me til I’m dust and my Man who made me, knows my inner most being and totally completes me.


You bet. I am in the equation of their lives. Can say “I’m with Him” or them really. But not just any hims. With a him who is totally mine and a Him who is the the master of all Hims.

“From Him, through Him and to Him are all things.” Rom 11:36